Lotus Life Center


Start your path to Overall wellness with The Help of our specialists.

"Life Won't Wait"

The Holistic Addiction Treatment Philosophy at Lotus Life Center

At Lotus Life Center , we focus on healing the underlying conditions that are causing you to use drugs and alcohol. We do this by utilizing a highly individualized treatment program with therapists who are experienced in healing the underlying causes of addiction. Our holistic one-on-one approach is a superior version of the 12 Step program and we offer state of the services that will keep you engaged and enthusiastic about healing. During treatment, you will feel empowered, instead of powerless. We do not label you an addict or alcoholic, nor do we believe that you have a disease. We have found that damaging labels, such as addict and alcoholic, rob you of your true identity. It’s the treatment philosophy at Lotus that sets us apart from all other rehab centers in the world. We choose to empower you and heal your underlying conditions, rather than label you an addict and tell you that you have a disease.

The Four Causes of Addiction

We believe that four specific underlying conditions cause addiction. If you’re abusing drugs and alcohol, you have at least one of these underlying conditions present which needs to be healed to achieve permanent sobriety.

1. A Chemical Imbalance
2. Events of the past you have not reconciled
3. Current conditions you can't cope with
4. Things you believe that aren't true

Lotus Life Center is not here to shame you or label you an addict or alcoholic. We are here to empower you. It’s time that you identify and heal the underlying issues that are causing your addiction. Call Lotus Life Center anytime to get the help you need or fill out our confidential contact form below. We are always available to answer any questions you may have.

 Alcohol Addiction






 Tobacco products

 Drug Addiction

 Prescription Drug Addiction

 Gambling Addiction


 Sex and love Addiction

Behavioral Addiction

Gaming Addiction

Mobile Phone Addiction

 Anorexia Nervosa

 Bulimia Nervosa

 Orthorexia Nervosa

 Binge Eating Disorder

 Compulsive Overeating


 Rumination disorder

 Purging disorder

 Night eating syndrome

 Other specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED)


Bipolar Disorder

Schizo-affective Disorder

Delusional Disorder

Panic disorder



Dissociative Disorder






Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)


Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

Narcissistic Abuse Treatment

Personality Disorders Treatment

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


Alzheimer Disease


360° Lotus Life Center Treatment Plan